Home Purchase and Sale

Thinking of Moving?

Lots to think about …

  • How does the legal process work these days? What’s changed since our last move?

  • What impact is the economic downturn having on the property market locally?

  • We’ve found a house we love! Can we offer for it even though we haven’t sold our own yet?

  • What’s our move going to cost in terms of legal fees, taxes and other expenses?

Buying to Let?

Lots to think about …

  • What lease paperwork do I need to put in place with my Tenant?

  • What legal obligations will I have as a Landlord?

  • What impact is the economic downturn having on the rental market locally?

  • Am I going to be hit with “second home” tax? How much is that going to add to my purchase price?

  • What legal costs will I need to budget for?

First Time Buyer?

Lots to think about …

but new to all this and not even sure what questions to ask?

Questions, Questions, Questions …

Our Property Lawyers will be happy to answer them all!  Contact us today and we’ll arrange an appointment for you pronto – you only have to ask!