Gebbie & Wilson are proud to support ‘Remember a Charity’
Gifts in Wills form the foundation of charities in the UK. Many charities depend on legacies and without them they would not exist. In fact, while 74% of the UK population support charities, only 7% currently leave a legacy to them when writing a Will.
Remember A Charity was formed in 2000 and now has over 140 of the UK’s favourite charities, who work together to encourage more people to consider leaving a charitable gift in their Will, once they’ve looked after their family and friends.
Together, we aim to do what no single charity can do alone, making legacy giving a social norm. Legacy income is currently worth almost £2 billion a year. If, together, we can grow the sector by just 4%, we could raise an extra £1 billion for UK charities.
If you would like more information on writing a Will, click here.
We help our cleints write Wills in Glasgow and throughout Lanarkshire.
No matter where you are based, we have the expertise to help.