Posts Tagged: Wills Advice South Lanarkshire
Death and Digital Assets – How Can I Protect my Online Assets?

What will happen to my digital assets upon death? In the age of social media and cryptocurrency, this question is being asked time and time again. Nowadays, it’s becoming more and more unusual that we store things as physical copies. We no longer store our photos on film. Photo albums seem to be a thing… Read more »
Craig and Donna: a case study in the injustice of intestacy.
No Will, No Justice? The heartache of intestacy. I’ve not done my Tax Return yet. It’s mid January now and I must get it to done by the end of this month or HMRC will hit me with fines and penalties. Typical me I suppose – leaving things to the last minute. Trouble is there’s… Read more »
Intestate Craig and Incensed Donna. How not making a Will can lead to a costly injustice
No Will, No Justice? In the second of three articles, David continues the sad tale of intestate Craig and incensed Donna In the first of these articles, I compared not making my Will with not submitting my Tax Return on time. I commented that at least the Taxman tells me both his deadline and the penalties… Read more »
Call for change to perception of later life
A recent survey by Age Scotland has found that 82% of the Scots surveyed would like society to change its view of later life and leave behind the negative stereotypes associated with growing older. The research found that 77% of Scottish adults are looking forward to living longer. Around 74% said diet was the most… Read more »
Families find financial discussions difficult
Conversations about retirement and aging are always tricky – as shown by a recent American study that found a significant lack of proactive discussion and engagement between family members on key financial topics. The company behind the research, wealth management firm Merrill Lynch, says that this is a cause for concern, as a lack of… Read more »